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Welcome to Translational Cardiovascular Technologies - TCT

TCT is merging ETH engineering knowledge with DHZB/Charité medical experise to bring cutting-edge technologies into cardiac clinical practise. Focussing on data science, multiscale manufacturing, robotics and biotechnology, our interdisciplinary projects are conducted exclusively in collaboration with ETH departments of technology.

Medical expertise

For your scientific projects or educational programms, our clinical team can provide expertise and support in all areas of cardiovascular medicine.

The Group



Zurich Heart

The Zurich Heart Project investigates and develops new technologies that are required to improve the performance of existing ventricular assist devices (VADs). We are aiming at disruptive innovations and technologies to facilitate radically new artificial heart designs and assist device technologies, such as soft pumps and hybrid membranes.


Blood Flow and Cardiac Energetics

We are investigating heart diseases and their impact on blood flow dynamics and cardiac work. Magnetic resonance imgaging enables simulations for deeper understanding of flow efficiency and energetic correlations.



Dr. Sarah Meissner receives James Mitchell Award for Excellence in Collaborative Science

‘Yo-yo’ weight loss occurs because of this surprising reason

AI regulations must strike a balance between innovation and safety

Recent Publications

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